
Thea (Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet) has written numerous books and articles about the evolution and establishment of a Supramental Truth Consciousness on our Earth, detailing the Supramental mission and teachings of the Evolutionary Avatars. In these texts, she provides the reader with a detailed account of the most important spiritual work of the age and the means by which he or she can become conscious participants in this epochal work.
The ‘Seeing in Understanding’ blogspot is a new addition to the website as of October 2022. The New Way is meant to be an applied cosmology. That means it should help us better understand circumstances in our own lives, in the world around us, and, ultimately, the Purpose of it all. By viewing certain current events through the lens of the Supramental Cosmology we aspire to appreciate the truth behind appearances and recognize the underlying Divine Will manifesting in the world.
In 2011 and 2012, Thea published two series of Videos discussing issues of prophecy and transformation in our Age of Aquarius, wherein the Supramental Consciousness begins to take hold and organize its own Victory. Also found via this link, is video footage of Thea at the 1st National Conference on Panchanga Ganitam, 24-26 December, 2010, Tirumala, A.P., India, discussing the error of calculating the Vedic Year using the Sidereal Zodiac. See also: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=patrizia+norelli+bachelet
These articles span many decades and give readers a glimpse both of Thea’s unifying knowledge and the challenges she faced from those who cling to outdated and distorted understanding of Vedic Gnosis.
The Mother’s Temple was the highest order of sacred architecture that has ever been revealed on earth, an integral perfection of cosmic symbolism. To alter one number, one dimension, would be equivalent to throwing the entire system into chaos, yet this is exactly what happened following the Mother’s passing. In this article, Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet details the events that chronicle the destruction of the Mother’s temple by her closest disciples. See www.matacom.com and Chronicles of the Inner Chamber, Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, Notions Press, 2018 https://www.aeoncentre.com/shop
In an article entitled ‘The Way of the Alchemist’, Thea details the contrast between the old abstract forms of esoteric knowledge and the new living Supramental Yoga introduced by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The key feature distinguishing the old from the new is the role of Time which offers the seeker the means to move beyond the abstraction and speculation of the past, into a concrete, non-speculative knowledge in the present.
Aeon Group is classified as a 501 (c) (3) public charity by the IRS and donations are tax-deductable in the U.S.A. Aeon Group’s board of directors allocates contributions at its own discretion for specific projects to support the work of Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet and to share that work with the public.