Aeon Group
P.O. Box 396
Accord, New York 12404
Aeon Centre of Cosmology at ‘Skambha’ Estate
C/o Aeon Trust
P.O. Box 11
Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu
INDIA, 624101
+91 92453 96316
Contact Us by Email:
USA – aeongroup@msn.com and aeongroup369@gmail.com
India – aeoncentre3@gmail.com
Aeon Group is classified as a 501 (c) (3) public charity by the IRS and donations are tax-deductable in the U.S.A. Aeon Group’s board of directors allocates contributions at its own discretion for specific projects to support the work of Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet and to share that work with the public.