The picture above [Sagittarius Black Hole,] taken in May 2022 by the Event Horizon telescope of the Sagittarius A* Black Hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy understandably generated a lot of excitement.
David Overbye in his New York Times article of May 12, 2022 wrote: “Astronomers said the new result would lead to a better understanding of gravity [and] galaxy evolution . . .”
Mr. Overbye’s article quotes a reaction to the 2019 picture of black hole M87, eponymously named for galaxy Messier 87 in which it was seen. Astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics at the time, Sheperd Doeleman stated “We have seen what we thought was “unseeable.”
But what is it they think has actually been seen? And what is the search for ‘an understanding of gravity and galaxy evolution’ really about? Is it not an attempt to ascertain the true ‘Nature of Reality’, which inherently implies an understanding of not only Earth’s origins and how our material world ‘works’, but our role/purpose within it? Can Science, with its focus on what it can see and measure, really answer these questions? And where does ‘Spirituality’ fall short of answering these questions?
Some scientists, including the quantum physicist David Bohm, have developed what could be understood as both a metaphysical and scientific theory attempting to explain the ‘true nature of reality’. Bohm described what he called an implicate and explicate order. He maintained that “space and time might actually be derived from an even deeper level of objective reality . . .”{
“ . . . The implicate order represents the proposal of a general metaphysical concept in terms of which it is claimed that matter and consciousness might both be understood, in the sense that it is proposed that both matter and consciousness: (i) enfold the structure of the whole within each region, and (ii) involve continuous processes of enfoldment and unfoldment.” [1]
In an excerpt from an interview with Will Kepin on the same Wikipedia page, Bohm emphasized the primary role of the implicate order’s structure:
“My attitude is that the mathematics of the quantum theory deals primarily with the structure of the implicate pre-space and with how an explicate order of space and time emerges from it, rather than with movements of physical entities, such as particles and fields . . .”
As wonderfully illuminating as this theory is, Bohm was unable to provide direct knowledge of its existence. [2] In the world of Science, that is anathema.
On the other hand, Sri Aurobindo, 20th century yogi, sage and philosopher did have direct knowledge. In his Letters on Yoga he wrote:
‘The material universe is only the façade of an immense building which has other structures behind it, and it is only if one knows the whole that one can have some knowledge of the truth of the material universe. There are vital, mental, spiritual ranges behind which give the material its significance . . . I myself see certain fundamental truths underlying all the domains and the one Reality everywhere. But there is also a great difference in the instruments used and the ways of research followed by the seekers in these different ways (the physical, the occult, and the spiritual) and for the intellect at least the bridge between them has still to be built. One can point out analogies, but be maintained very well that Science cannot be used for yielding or buttressing results of spiritual knowledge.’ [bold emphasis added] [3]
Sri Aurobindo along with his colleague Mira Alfassa (known as the Mother), established a new poise in the spiritual quest, Earth-centred as opposed to ‘other-worldly’. They posited the solution to humanity’s ills, the true goal toward which we are striving is the divinisation of matter itself, the evolution of humanity into a ‘supramental’ species which would no longer need to undergo the loss of consciousness that accompanies death as we know it. [3] To achieve that end requires the recognition of a “divine dynamic truth” which he called ‘supermind’, which descends into our world of matter, at present inherently one of ‘ignorance’. He writes:
“ The fundamental difference is in the teaching that there is a dynamic divine Truth (the supermind) and that into the present world of Ignorance that Truth can descend, create a new Truth-Consciousness and divinise Life. The old yogas go straight from mind to the absolute Divine, regard all dynamic existence as Ignorance, Illusion, or Lila; when you enter the static and immutable Divine Truth, they say, you pass out of cosmic existence.” [4] [italics added]
To find the answers to the questions posed at the beginning of this essay, an acceptance of the following can serve as a basis:
1) There is a reality underlying and supporting that which we are able to see ‘materially’.
2) The nature of that reality is progressively revealed and understood.
3) There is a purpose to life on Earth other than providing a base from which to seek transcendence, nirvanic bliss, an extra-terrestrial ‘heaven’, an eternal hell, or a return to a perceived state of ‘non-being’.
Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet (Thea; 1938-2016), founder of Aeon Center of Cosmology (ACC) in Tamil Nadu India, furthered the work of the sage Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Thea’s Work is supremely cosmological in nature, what she referred to as the NEW cosmology, entailing a totally new understanding of gravity and Time. Throughout her written works she discussed the impasse that both Science and Spirituality have reached [5] and here speaks of it in terms of the search for what physics calls ‘the singularity’, and black holes:
“To deal with the human dilemma seers of the past devised ingenious means. The most effective of all was the Buddhist and Mayavadist way of undermining the reality of creation. Thus, if one withdrew reality from life, if one was encouraged to view it as a play of unreal or simply temporarily real phenomena, then one’s suffering would also be undermined. This was then the experience of negative peace.
“This ‘negative peace’, or the dissolution (nirvana) of all the threads in consciousness which keep us in creation and which constitute the continuity of our experience on the planet, in this universe, is the same poise as the theoretical physicist regarding black holes. Beyond the borderline the physicist uncovers, or rather faces, a singularity, – inexplicable according to his present theories and formulae. Likewise, the yogi of the old paths faces a barrier in consciousness, and the only way he can deal with it is to undermine and hence to produce a collapse of energy in his consciousness. Thus he appears to cross this borderline at that point; but in truth he has merely been plunged into a black hole and a sterile circuit of energy; or as Sri Aurobindo explained, he shot off into the Beyond, into Nirvana, out of cosmic existence.” [7] [Bold emphasis added]
Thea was a Seer. She did not write about something unless she had had a ‘direct experience/knowledge’ of it. In her 2012 essay “Beyond Contemporary Scientific Paradigms, an Essay on ‘End Times’, what Thea wrote below echoes what David Bohm intuited:
“ . . . To be borne in mind is that the physical universe, and in this case our solar system, is the densification of what lies beyond, what supports, sustains and gives purpose to creation. Thus each physical component of our material universe densifies an upholding truth to which it owes its life and ability to carry forward that abiding Intention. In simple terms, light serves as the constant for speed in the material universe. On this constant we base all our theories. [8] But having stated the above, we must see what it is the light ‘represents’. The Vedic Rishis gave us the true position: Light is Consciousness. And so, we cannot allow that denser quality to govern our lives once we realise that it is merely a representation of what lies beyond, what gives it its own life and relevance. When humanity matures in its collective Journey to the point where it can digest these sublime Vedic truths, then light must be seen for what it is, what it represents, and we must honour that which supports its existence: we must turn to the speed of consciousness as the determining law of our existence in a material universe.” [9] [Bold emphasis added]
If each physical component of our material universe ‘densifies an upholding truth to which it owes its life and ability to carry forward that abiding Intention’, that includes black holes. Any discussion of black holes must address gravity as well, since the assertion is they have a forceful gravitational pull from which no light can escape.
“The event horizon of a black hole is linked to the object’s escape velocity — the speed that one would need to exceed to escape the black hole’s gravitational pull. The closer someone came to a black hole, the greater the speed they would need to escape that massive gravity. The event horizon is the threshold around the black hole where the escape velocity surpasses the speed of light . . .
“According to Einstein’s theory of special relativity . . . a black hole’s event horizon is essentially the point from which nothing can return. The name refers to the impossibility of witnessing any event taking place inside that border, the horizon beyond which one cannot see.”[10] [Bold emphasis added]
Einstein’s theory of special relativity relies on an acceptance of the speed of light as a constant. Yet even physicists who theorize that the speed of light is not always the constant (see footnote ‘8’) remain unable to grasp the true nature of gravity, which nature is intimately bound up with black holes. As Thea elucidates:
“ . . . Insofar as gravity is a part of the energy base that continues to defy integration, for which reason the unified theory of everything has eluded science, it is clear that we must understand what the real nature of gravity might be. Since it is alternately described as contraction or compaction, the formula [see below] tells us that gravity is a property belonging to ‘the other side’; so naturally science cannot make the conclusive discovery that would explain everything. It attempts to do so via the mathematics of this expanding, extending universe of the 1 – whereas gravity/contraction is experienced through processes involving consciousness alone. When that exploration is done the results can be brought into our world and applied. Through such an application, however, there will be the emergence of a very different world than science has given us today.”[10]
She goes on to share a new understanding of Time, another essential piece of the puzzle needed to answer questions posed at the beginning of this essay:
“The 4th dimension of space is time, and this is the power that curves space. Likewise, the 4th dimension of time is space – at which point it becomes crystallised and measurable and for us in our material universe it represents ‘the beginning’, or the first perceived moment of time, when time engendered an observer and revealed its periodicity by virtue of an extension of itself. It is when the Centre gave birth to Itself, and time is the power that allows this centrality to emerge into our material creation, to give the fruit of itself. Space, as the fourth power of time, thus externalises fromwithin the centre: time as the fourth dimension of space, curves inward and draws or contracts to the centre. Thus the two poises, contraction and expansion, show themselves in the unified vision to be the revelation of the most fundamental law of our existence in this universe.” [12]
“. . . Time does not exist only in our material universe. It is synonymous with consciousness. It is the ‘stuff’ of creation itself. Our material universe is the product of Time, and the formula describes the entire operation. No complicated, arcane mathematics are required to understand the process. It is simply an appreciation of Number and its unitary, unifying essence. Thus, 9/6/3 are the numbers that reveal the foundation of our material world. They describe what stands on the other side of the Bridge. In most schools of philosophy and metaphysics the three digits are numerically expressive of 9=Transcendent, 6=Universal, 3=Individual. But more importantly, what this simple string of numbers conveys is that the trinity lies at the root of creation. The formula indicates that in a descending sequence the numbers are a triadic configuration moving from 9 to 6 to 3. Only when we cross the Bridge and, via the Zero-womb, we witness and experience the emergence of the number 1, do we proceed by single consecutive digits but in the reverse direction.” [13] [Bold emphasis added]
What Thea is describing is a contraction or descent of ‘consciousness’ symbolized by the numbers 9, 6 and 3. When that contraction densifies to the point of material manifestation, it is represented as the numbers 0/1 and spreads out horizontally. The ‘0’ contains the ‘seed’ of all that was contracted, densified. In this field of the ‘1’ we ‘proceed by single consecutive digits but in the reverse direction’, i.e. 1, 2, 3, etc.
“The theoretical physicist must adopt a new poise, one where he has crossed the borderline and no longer limits himself to the observation of phenomena at the fringe. The present language of mathematics is rather meaningless when such a crossing is accomplished. One has to radically alter one’s perceptive capacities at that point. One no longer deals with three dimensions of space and a fourth of time but just the contrary. The plunge to the inner dimension beyond the borderline can be best expressed in a new formula of three dimensions of time plus one of space. It is the discovery of this reversal that explains the unity of what was once seen as a cacophonous display of diversity.” [14]
“ . . . Science has failed because it describes properties of the macrocosm (general theory of relativity) and, separately, the microcosm (Quantum). It is unable to link the two because the way to do so is through the laboratory of human consciousness. That is the link, the harmonising quotient that stays entirely ignored by science; therefore, science has created a world in its own image which is devoid of oneness and unity. To serve as this essential link is the purpose of human existence. We serve the Great Architect by willingly and in full awareness offering our laboratories for the alchemical process that can unify the vast and the small. . .”[15] [Bold emphasis added]
What is the connection between this NEW understanding of Time and Gravity, and Sagittarius A*? And how is the existence of this black hole relevant to our own life’s journey? What is its real characteristic, its real function in our Milky Way galaxy (for now we focus only on our galaxy, our solar system as this is where we live)? Is it truly a point from which nothing can escape (due to the purported requirement to exceed the speed of light)? Is it permanent? How would that be consistent with a concept of evolution, which by its nature means growth into ever new forms, and ultimately not a break in consciousness with each death, not a repetitive cycle of development and then dissolution into nothingness? Further, if Light is indeed Consciousness, how can there be any limit to its speed?
The expression ‘as above, so below’ (paraphrased) is credited to Hermes Trismegistus (b. 580 bce). Isaac Newton translated the phrase to mean that whatever happens in nature is reflected within the alchemical lab and the body itself. Thea has referenced this reality in her statement above regarding offering ourselves as that laboratory through which the unification of the vast and small can take place. Perhaps this metaphysical truth offers a clue to the meaning and purpose of a black hole in the centre of our galaxy. Let’s explore this further.
One of the ‘tools’ Thea utilized to render her cosmology applicable was the Gnostic Circle, a beautiful mandala depicting the journey through Time (represented by the planets) and Space (represented by the zodiacal signs) undertaken by everything ‘born’ on Earth, be it an individual, a nation, a relationship, an event, the human species itself. An image of the Gnostic Circle is provided below:

At birth (be it of individual, nation, event) the journey through Time (depicted by the planets) and Space (depicted by the astrological signs of the zodiac) is measured starting at the top of the circle, the ‘9’ point, and progresses counter-clockwise through the zodiacal signs, starting at Aries. Like layers of an onion, one completes a full round of the Circle in a year, or a month, or a day . . .
Thea has further divided the circle into 4 quarters which she labels Physical, Vital, Mental, and Spiritual.

As individuals we move on one level (layer of the onion) through all four quarters every year. On another level we move through just one smaller section of the Gnostic Circle each year, based on our age and what is known as theosophical addition. [16] Theosophical addition involves adding all the digits in a number, reducing it to its simplest numerical value below ‘9’ (because the 0 and the 9 are ‘equal’). [17] For instance, by theosophical addition age 57= 5+7= 12; 1+2=3. So, at age 57, one would be journeying from the ‘3’ point on the Gnostic Circle to the ‘4’ point (to age 58, 5+8=13; 1+3=4). Using this method to track a journey through the circle, birth would be located at the top, the 0/9, and begin there again every nine years (e.g. age 9, 18, 27, etc.). Each time we ‘move’ through a specific section of the circle we encounter a similar combination of planetary and zodiacal factors, yet our experience is never quite the same. We appear to be in the same ‘spot’ as the last time we were at a particular point on the circle, yet due to Time’s dynamic power we are not entirely the same being as before. We have changed, not just in our physical beings but emotionally, mentally, spiritually.
Earth Herself moves through the Circle in her annual journey around the Sun, starting with Aries on March 21/22, the Spring Equinox. In addition, she traces another circle which determines what is known as the Precession of the Equinoxes, discussed further below.
The GC is not just a pretty diagram. The experience of the Hermetic aphorism, ‘As above, so below’ is depicted in the journey through this multi-layered circle. We ARE the very cosmos in which we live. That cosmos is evolving, just as we as humans are evolving. To understand that, to SEE it in the vast and the small lies beyond the purview of Science. It requires a new understanding of Time, where there is no separation between the ‘Being’ (static poise, Brahma) and the ‘Becoming’ (dynamic poise, Shakti); all are part of a grand, dynamic Unity. Time is not an ‘illusion’. It is both a gift by which we can assess our progression, make sense of what happens on the world stage, and is the very vehicle by which that progression unfolds.
If ‘being’ and ‘becoming’ are understood as occuring in the same ‘field of Unity’ so to speak, what does the visual unveiling of Sagittarius A* bode for us? Why now?
Overbye writes in the May 12th NY Times article, “Paradoxically, despite their [black holes] ability to swallow light, black holes are the most luminous objects in the universe.”
Black holes as luminous! Can we use a deeper understanding of Sagittarius A* to better appreciate our own journey and facilitate our evolutionary process?
Let us return again to the Gnostic Circle for some clues.
Thea associates Black Holes with the sign Scorpio in the Mental quarter, where in Vedic lore the ‘evil’ Panis hoard the cows of Light/Consciousness (the Sanskrit word for Cow is ‘go’, which also means ‘Light’), hiding them in the cave of Vala. This submergence of the Light/Consciousness is like a death, in that there is no further growth, no further ‘seeing’ of the journey itself.
“Were we to locate the quest of the theoretical physicist on the Gnostic Circle, we would find it stationed in the 3rd Quarter of the wheel. The emer-gence of the theory of black holes would correspond to Scorpio. What to the physicist is the collapse of energy producing such density that nothing, not even light, can escape, is the same vision and experience of the practitioner of Sri Aurobindo’s integral yoga, who at a particular point comes face to face with this same phenomenon in his development. At the centre of his or her being there is a black hole. Moreover, the vision is not merely psychological but physical as well. The two indeed are so inextricably linked in the experience that it becomes immediately evident that a new way is imperative in the spiritual quest which precisely does away with any division in consciousness. For, failing to achieve this unified poise, no further progress can be made.” [Bold emphasis added] [18]
Anyone familiar with astrology knows Scorpio’s symbol as the Scorpion and its association with death, but only in its ‘lower’ aspect. Once its energy is released, i.e. the cows/Light are released from the cave of Vala, Scorpio’s symbol is transmuted to that of an Eagle, a majestic, soaring bird which has conquered death, which knows Immortality.
How is that accomplished? How is the Light that was hoarded in Scorpio (think luminous Black Hole) released so that a Conscious journey continues, for the individual and the species as a whole?
This question is truly the crux of the matter. Thea distills the answer thus:
…by means of a conscious alliance with Time, the sadhak [19] can establish a higher pattern and step out of a former, more limited one. One bursts the restricting confines of one’s existence in this material universe and enters a new harmony…
‘…the method by which we fix the new pattern or the higher destiny…is intimately related to time cycles as experienced on Earth; in particular the cycle of 9…[20]
Could it be that our ability to now see the black hole at the center of our galaxy is to help us realize it does not exist to suck all of our energy/consciousness into an unfathomable Darkness, but to goad us into consciously trodding a path to release its pent-up light, enabling our destiny as a species to be fulfilled: The evolution into a more harmonious, perfect, Supramental way of being. By understanding, seeing Sagittarius A* in this new (‘supramental’) light, we are facilitating that very evolutionary process. As Thea remarked:
“Perhaps the most accurate manner by which to explain the act of creation is ‘the act of Seeing’. A human being becomes godlike and partakes of the transcendent act of creation when his individualized ‘eye of consciousness’ is unveiled and the progression of his or her life in the Manifestation moves along on the lines of a gradual unfolding of a seed of the supreme consciousness.”[21]
The ‘act of seeing’ itself assists in ‘the gradual unfolding of a seed’, a release of the hidden Light/Consciousness. Naturally this one act of seeing would not suddenly and radically change life on Earth. But to the extent we can identify events in our lives and in the world as being part of that divine unfoldment, we are not only enriched but are contributing to the unfoldment itself.
We are ready to turn our attention to the perfect timing of the discovery of our galaxy’s black hole, by looking at where Earth is in her journey through the vastness, via a cosmological tool Thea called the Map of 12 Manifestations[22], a visual depiction of Earth’s movement through the Precession of the Equinoxes. The precession is the result of Earth’s ‘wobble’, resulting in the shifting of the equinoctial points with respect to the stars. It is the Precession which determines Earth’s movement through the Ages in a ‘backward’ or clockwise fashion, as opposed to the journey through the Gnostic Circle which is counter-clockwise. Each precessional Age develops a different aspect of our evolutionary journey.
Rather than an endless circle/cycle of civilizational advance and ultimate destruction, via the dynamism of Time, Earth’s wobble creates a movement resembling a spiral; She is never in the exact same place twice. The circumstances of Her challenges are never exactly the same (rather like one’s journey through the Gnostic Circle). Each Manifestation is composed of 3 Ages, lasting 2160 years each. A Manifestation thus lasts 6480 years. Earth is now in the Age of Aquarius. [23] Most people are aware the Aquarian Age is purported to be a time of expanded consciousness, brotherhood, harmony, ‘enlightenment’.

We see from this Map that the Age of Aquarius is in the middle of the 9th Manifestation which, by virtue of the ‘9’, is considered to be under the primary ‘influence’ of the 9th zodiacal sign, Sagittarius.[24] Some of the attributes of Sagittarius are travel, expansion, penetration into unknown, unexplored realms (think space travel). The relevance of the number 9 to life on Earth can be seen in several ways:
- “ . . . [it] is the last digit of our numerical system; our numbers actually go from 0 to 9, . . . the 10 being merely the 1 again.”
- For the majority of humans “ a cycle of 9 months is required for the cells to evolve and for the foetus to fully develop into the infant. Thus, in the Circle divided into 9 we can see the cycle of a cell . . . and its birth, generation and degeneration, the period of the cell’s fullest experience.”
- Our solar system consists of nine planets and the Sun[25]
Just as the human gestation period is 9 months, our Earth home is herself ‘gestating’ and this 9th Manifestation is a time of birth into a New Way of Seeing/Understanding. No coincidence that the Black Hole at the middle of our galaxy should be named Sagittarius,[26] as it is during this 9th Manifestation that our Purpose as a species is to unveiled, ‘birthed’.[27] This involves appreciating the true nature of Black Holes, their relation to Time, gravity, and the evolutionary journey of Earth and Her human species.
For further reading please see:
[2] Robert E. Wilkinson, Veda, The Supreme Science of Creation, 2013, p 20
[3] Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga, December 2, 1946, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, India, pg. 212
[4] Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, 5th Ed 1970, 1982
[5] Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga, CE, Volume 22, Part I, pp 103-104
[6] See especially ‘The Emerging Cosmos’,, ‘articles’;,
[7] Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, The New Way, Volume 3, 2005, pg 269
[8] Thea wrote this prior to the theory that Light may not be the constant for speed in the universe: ”. . . some scientists are exploring the possibility that this cosmic speed limit changes, a consequence of the nature of the vacuum of space.” Some physicists are skeptical of this theory and lack confidence in the mathematical methods used. Regardless, Light as Consciousness remains unaffected by these theories
[9] Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, “Beyond Contemporary Scientific Paradigms, an Essay on ‘End Times’, 2012,
[11] Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, “Beyond Contemporary Scientific Paradigms, an Essay on ‘End Times’, 2012,
[12] Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, The New Way, Volume 3, Aeon Books, 2005, p 267
[13] Ibid
[14] Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, The New Way, Volume 3, Aeon Books, 2005, p 265
[15] Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, “Beyond Contemporary Scientific Paradigms, an Essay on ‘End Times’, 2012,
[16] Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, The Gnostic Circle, 3rd Ed 1994, Aeon Books,;
[17] Ibid, 3rd Ed, Chapter 10, The Circle Divided into Nine: “ . . . this number [9] is the last digit of our numerical system; our numbers actually go from 0 to 9, . . . the 10 being merely the 1 again.”
[18] Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, The New Way Volume 3, 2005, pg 263
[19] Hindi for ‘seeker’
[20] Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, The New Way Volume 3, 2005, Chapter 15, ’The Method of Establishing a Higher Destiny’, pp 186-188
[21] Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, The Magical Carousel and Commentaries, 1st Ed 1979, pg 5 of Commentaries,; www.
[22] Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, The Gnostic Circle, 3rd Ed 1994, Aeon Books,; See also, “Keys”
[23]Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, The Gnostic Circle, 3rd Ed 1994, Aeon Books
[24] Ibid
[25] Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, Op Cit, Chapter 10, p 105
26 [1] “The name ‘Sagittarius A*’ refers to the believed location of the supermassive black hole in the center of our galaxy. About 50 years ago, astronomers identified an area within the constellation of Sagittarius that was the strongest region of radio emission — thus making it the likely center of the Milky Way.”
[27] See Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, The New Way, Volumes 1&2, Aeon Books, 1981 on the Solar Line and the The New Way, Volume 3, Aeon Books, 2005, on the Evolutionary Avatar