by Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet (Thea)
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The Sacred Fullness
Letters from Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet (Thea) to a new student
These letters reveal an entirely New Way of approaching the desire for inner peace, the pursuit of Truth, as well as the limits of ‘personal enlightenment’. The new student, who many years prior had left the Catholic order as a nun and became a psychotherapist, learns why the old spiritual paths AND the newer ‘psycho-spiritual’ ones fall short.
She finds that our mental race is ‘in transition’ to a Supramental consciousness now descending to earth: a new species is being born. The old spiritual paths and psychotherapy cannot ‘fill the void’ because humankind is moving up the evolutionary ladder. It is Sri Aurobindo’s yoga that offers a way to transform human nature; Patrizia’s contribution to his new vision is The Gnostic Circle . . . No longer will her individual development be the central focus . . . rather all three aspects of the Divine reality become synthesised in the spiritual quest: God, cosmos and her own soul. ‘Mind you, this has never been done before’, she exclaims, ‘it has always been one or the other.’
The Vedic Altar Updated
In the twelve essays which comprise The Vedic Altar Updated, Thea describes a contemporary Vedic altar – the inner chamber of the Mother’s Temple, the Matrimandir. Over a period of 18 days, in January 1970, the Mother, a co-worker of Sri Aurobindo, brought a remarkable vision of the inner chamber of a Temple from the plane of Truth-consciousness, called the Supramental, into the Earth atmosphere. Available through amazon.com, amazon.in, and amazon.uk (kindle version only).
Partition of India, its Cause, its Purpose
‘What went wrong on the subcontinent to permit something so devastating as the dismembering of Mother India? What could possibly be the purpose for such a tragedy that left huge gaps in her landmass and a festering wound that refuses to heal?’
Available at www.amazon.com and www.amazon.in
The New Way, Volume 4
A compilation of the magnificent series Culture & Cosmos, orginially published in the Vishaal Newsletter from October 1989 through August 1994, regarding the cosmic harmonies of Hindu civilization and the establishment of Vedic Dharma and contemporary Indian Society.
Thea wrote the newsletters in the 80’s and 90’s, yet they remain even more relevant today…Written for students and friends throughout India and the world, she offers insights about historical and philosophical issues from a very unusual perspective . . . Thea makes a direct application of an Indocentric Cosmology, which she calls The New Way: (1) Music and the Harmony of the Spheres (2) the Evolutionary Avatar as the Backbone of the Hindu Civilisation, (3) The Meaning of a Dharmic Civilisation, and (4) Supermind and the Language of Gnostic Symbols. Available at amazon.com or amazon.in.
The Magical Carousel & Commentaries

A text on the language of Cosmology, a story and it’s evolutionary symbolism. The Magical Carousel takes the form of a journey through the zodiac. It is perhaps the only contemporary ‘Cosmic Myth’ of our time, and is written in the classic zodiacal language proper to all mythology which describes the primordial form of circular or sacred time. . (Two volumes) cloth, slipcase, illustrated, 153 & 152 pps., 1979, ISBN: 0945747306. Price: $36.00 plus postage and handling.
The Gnostic Circle

A Synthesis in the harmonies of the Cosmos. For millennia wisemen have searched for a key of knowledge which would unlock the mysteries of the universe. The Alchemists called this universal key the “Philosopher’s Stone” and revealed that it was a circular, cosmological diagram which contained the mysteries of Time and Divine Order. In ancient times this diagram was based upon the known universe which consisted of six planets and the central Sun. But it was not until the 20th century, following the discovery of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, that the complete key of knowledge could be revealed and man’s evolutionary possibilities fully understood. The Gnostic Circle is that cosmological key and contains the highest wisdom of our age. Paperback, foldouts, diagrams, index, 309 pp., 1st edition 1975, 2nd edition 1978, 3rd edition 1994, Æon Books, ISBN: 0-87728-411-3. Price: $27 plus postage and handling.
The Hidden Manna

Being the Revelation called Apocalypse of John the Divine. An unveiling of one of the world’s most enigmatic prophetic texts: The Revelation of St. John the Divine. Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet lays bare the symbolism used to express John’s prophesy and reveals the key to an apocalyptic vision that is seen to be unfolding in our time. “John’s vision was zodiacal – through and through” writes Norelli-Bachelet, ” the character of his Revelation was based upon a secret knowledge which was until now the property of an inner circle of spiritual initiates.” Hardcover, 385 pp., Æon Books, 1976; ISBN: 0-945747-99-3. Price: $24.00 plus postage and handling.
The New Way Vols. 1 & 2

A study in the rise and the establishment of a gnostic society, Volumes 1 & 2. The preeminent symbol of a new consciousness now manifesting upon the Earth is a cosmological structure known as the Mother’s Temple. This sacred structure is a living manifestation of the descending Truth-Consciousness into Earth’s atmosphere and symbolizes Earth’s emerging Soul. Written into its architectonic structure are keys to the harmonies of the cosmos and the secrets of Supramental Time. Ms. Norelli-Bachelet explains the origins of this contemporary temple design and its occult measurements which define the evolution of consciousness on this planet. Pbk., foldouts, photos, maps, diagrams, index, 601 pp., Æon Books, 1981; ISBN: 0-945747-06-3. Price: $45.00 plus postage and handling.
The New Way, Volume 3

In this volume the INDIVIDUAL is featured in his evolutionary journey. The contemporary process of evolving a completely new condition of being, called the Supramental by Sri Aurobindo is the theme of this volume. To illustrate the method, the author reveals the occult significance of Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, the famous drawing of a man within a circle and a square which she calls the Universal Being. On the backdrop of the Mother’s Inner Chamber, the central revelation of Volumes 1 and 2, through Leonardo’s drawing the author carries sacred art to dimensions never before reached. The author also elaborates further on her discoveries concerning Time and its role as an ally in the evolutionary process we are all experiencing. She writes about the importance of experiencing Whole Time, the complete cycle of experience, previously unknown and now open to humanity and with it the ultimate conquering of Death. Pbk., photos, diagrams, index, 400 pp., Æon Books, 2005; ISBN: 0-945747-03-9. Price: $36.00 plus postage and handling.

Symbols and the Question of Unity
Every breakthrough, every Age that introduces a new element in evolution, must also bring with it a new understanding of symbols, because the way in which man reveals himself and his higher states of consciousness in symbols tells us what stage of evolution he is and the achievements of any given Age.
Symbols are the language whereby man expresses his experience of God, and whereby the Supreme reveals the part and image of Himself that man is in the process of expressing. Notions Press, 2020; ISBN 978-1-64828-713-8. Available at www.aeoncentre.com/shop. Contact them for overseas pricing.
Chronicles of the Inner Chamber

Revealing the profound Keys of Knowledge contained in the Mother’s Vision of Her Temple, the Matrimandir. Originally published as a series of documents by Thea from January 2003 to March 2004 in her role as Convenor of the Matrimandir Action Committe (see www.matacom.com). Notions Press, 2018; ISBN 978-1-64324-550-8. Available at www.aeoncentre.com/shop. Contact them for overseas pricing.
Time & Imperishability

In this remarkable book the reader will appreciate that Ms. Norelli-Bachelet’s cosmology deals with what, for centuries, has been disconnected from traditional spirituality, the question of Time and Measure, “the Divine Maya”. Her cosmology discloses the deepest truths of Reality which include the Being as well as the dynamics of the Becoming of that same Being. As she points out, TIME, is the vehicle, the medium for the Absolute or Supreme consciousness to be and to become and it is knowledge of this principle which integrates the Spiritual and Physical dimensions and grants the individual an irrefragable vision of unity. Paperback, diagrams, 210 pp., Æon Books, 1997; ISBN: 0-945747-90-X. Price: $18.00 plus postage and handling.
The Tenth Day of Victory – an initiation and beyond – Volume One

1971-1974. This is an unusual story. It is the first record of action on the world stage of what Sri Aurobindo has called the Supramental Shakti. This autobiographical study revolutionises our ideas about spirituality. The Divine, God, whatever name we give to that ‘principle’ we believe to be guiding our lives, guiding the world, and the universe, is here revealed in action on Earth; no longer in some distant heaven. The events the author relates are supported by facts not usually found in spiritual biographies. The Tenth Day of Victory is about a new precision, a word we have come to reserve only for science. It cannot be labeled ‘spiritual’ or ‘scientific’. It is something new. Paperback, pictures, 324 pp., Æon Books, 2004; ISBN 0945747-33-0. Price: $24.00 plus postage and handling.
The Tenth Day of Victory – an initiation and beyond – Volume Two, Book One

This autobiographical study picks up at the time of the Mother’s departure in 1973 when she passed on to her several valuable keys of knowledge. With these Thea entered into a world of higher knowledge and formulated what has come to be known as the New Way. With impeccable honesty Thea describes in the book the events that led her to take up the struggle to have the Mother’s Temple in Auroville India built according to her vision and original plans. Paperback, original pictures and letters, 378 pp., Æon Books, 2014; ISBN 0-945747-34-9. Price: $27.00 (India rs. 495); plus postage and handling. To order this book, contact Aeon Group at aeongroup@msn.com or in the USA call (845) 658-3068.
Secrets of the Earth

Questions and Answers on the Line of Ten Avatars of Vedic Tradition. In this book Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet reveals the system the ancients used to identify the Avatar, he who comes ‘from age to age’ at a precise time and with a specific task to fulfill for the Earth’s evolution. Focusing on the three strides of Vishnu, she gives us the key to understand the cosmic truths which underlie this famous legend. Aeon Books, 122 pp, paper, coloured illustrations, Æon Books, 2009; $15.00, ISBN: 978-0-945747-10-9. Price: $15 plus postage and handling. India – Rs.270
Kashmir & the Covergence of Time, Space & Destiny

An in-depth study of Kashmir and the prominent position it holds in the destiny of India. Thea is the Director of Aeon Centre of Cosmology in South India. Her special contribution to the world of Vedic wisdom is a uniquely Indocentric geo-cosmology, one of its kind. . . . Thea has brought the ancient formulas into our contemporary world as an example of the need for a periodic renewal . . . [and] reveals how this is done. . . . The essays mention [how destiny] functions and relates to our individual and collective destiny.’ – Dalip Langoo. The essays in this volume were first published as a four-part series, March 2002 to April 2003, in ‘Prakash’, a review of the Jagat Guru Bhagavaan Gopinath Ji Charitable Foundation. Paperback, 78 pp, diagrams, Æon Books, 2004; ISBN: 0-945747-00-4. Price: $9.00 plus postage and handling.
Explorations into the Leonardo Mystery

‘This is the real miracle, that all shapes, all colours, all images of every part of the universe are concentrated in a single point.’ – Leonardo da Vinci. In this booklet, Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet reveals the true message and sense of the eternal wisdom expressed in Leonardo da Vinci’s great works. Æon Books, 2011. Price: $9.00 plus postage and handling
Ganga – Soul of Indian Culture

A 27 page monograph with beautiful pictures and diagrams, written by Thea in 2015. It illuminates Ganga’s role in physically establishing Sanatana Dharma on Earth. It demonstrates geographical, cosmological and yogic truths by which India can cast off all that keeps Her from rising to the heights of Her great dharma. ‘Ganga’s passage from Cosmos to Earth is like a massive Aorta that supplies the entire nation with a psychic essence, far more important than the material benefits she brings to the lands she moves through. Ganga is the bloodline of the Dharma primarily because her myth provides the secrets to the correct cosmic connection that is so essential for the Sanatana Dharma to maintain.’ This monograph is essential reading for any who wish to understand how Vedic Knowledge, once restored, conquers superstition by illuminating the real meaning underlying India’s cultural myths and symbols. Price: English edition, $9.00 plus postage and handling.
Find more information about each book at www.patrizianorelli-bachelet.com or www.aeoncentre.com/shop
New Books in Progress:
The Sacred Fulness -Letters from my Teacher
Correspondence from Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet (Thea) to Patricia Heidt and Aeon Group, USA 1985 to 1994
B o o k s b y T h e a ‘ s S t u d e n t s:
Veda – The Supreme Science of Creation by Robert E. Wilkinson [2013]: 
The Vedas are the world’s oldest and most profound scriptures. This collection of ancient mantras, prayers and hymns emerged fully formed out of the Indian mind and spirit during a period of great antiquity. Its name ‘Veda’ comes from the Sanskrit root ‘vid’ which means ‘to know’ or ‘to see’. This is not the kind of knowledge obtained through the ordinary conceptual process. Vedic knowledge is of a much higher order known as dristi, sruti, smriti; that which is seen, heard, and remembered, illuminations that arise as a direct revelation of truth in the soul. Owing to their sublime origins the Vedas represent a unique view into the nature of reality and offer an unparalleled knowledge of the cosmological principles that gave birth to our material creation. If we follow the history of the great scientific ideas from Copernicus to Newton to Einstein and Bohm and on to the modern theories of Hawking and Penrose, we will discover that most of these ideas, indeed far greater ones, were known and revealed by the Vedic Rishis many thousands of years ago. When these Vedic ideas are seen in their totality they reveal an irrefutable body of knowledge that not only exceeds our modern scientific understanding but reveals the tragic flaws of its reductive mental paradigm. Like the Pyramids of Giza, the Vedas are one of the greatest mysteries of the ancient world because they reveal a depth of knowledge that a ‘primitive’ civilization, according to our present view of history, could not possibly have known. Available in paperback and in ebook form on Amazon.com.