This Prayer is the Preamble of The New Way, Vols. 1 & 2, Aeon Books, 1981.
perceptions of the spiritual perversion
Copyright: Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, 1980
“The world is suffering from an acute sense of disunity. While one barrier that divides human beings may be broken down, at the very same time countless others are constructed. There seems to be no end to the capacity to divide and to disunify. We find this manifest in all spheres of earthly existence – economic, social, political, religious, and so forth. Our highest ideals only serve, in the long run, to act as the axe that divides.
“This is the linear approach, the masculine way. The time has come for the feminine to come forth and to reveal the way of harmony and integration, what I call the circular path. For this to happen, however, it is necessary for women themselves to understand this wholeness…”
Excerpt, The New Way of Woman, Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet (Thea), 1980
Although the world has certainly changed since 1980 when Thea wrote this essay, the underlying tenets remain. While people the world over fight for their rights in this Age of Aquarius, women, often supported by men, speak out in large numbers against their oppression. The ‘Me too’ movement, the intense backlash in the US regarding the overturning of Roe V. Wade, increased media coverage of rape in countries such as India, and protests in Iran over the murder of a young woman for reported incorrect wearing of the hijab (unrivaled in the breadth of their support) are a few examples.
In this essay P.N.-B (Thea) shows us the esoteric origin and basis of the suppression of Woman, which lies in a deep-seated perversion within the spiritual/religious domain. Whether seeking a static, Nirvanic state of peace as the ultimate reality, or a heavenly afterlife disconnected from Earth, Matter itself – materia – (Latin root-word is ‘mater’, or ‘Mother’) and thus Woman have been denied their rightful place in the cosmic scheme.
What exactly, Thea asks, is the nature of the sought-after liberation? How is this liberation connected and essential to the destiny of Earth’s Herself? The answers provided are non-speculative, an ‘applied cosmology’ in action.
Blogsite devoted to articles written between 2010 to 2015
For many years Theas concentrated on unveiling the knowledge of the Vedas. From 2010 to 2015 she turned her attention to the Puranas, more specifically Puranic Cosmology. Thea brings the Puranic wisdom to life Updating and carrying forward the ancient way in a way that respects our collective evolutionary Becoming.
From the intro:
“At the outset we must be clear about a fundamental aspect of the Dharma. It is not a religion; very far from it. Rather, it can best be described as the cosmic foundation of a way of life, a culture. The fact that this Order has served as the backdrop for everything that is true and real in India is what disqualifies the civilisation from being categorised as religious according to contemporary interpretations. Something very different lies at the root of the civilisational underpinnings I propose to discuss in this series; and herein lies India’s blessing – and her bane: contemporary Indian society has carried that Order, that Sanatan Dharma into the present. But the world today is a very different place than what it was in the millennia when that superior Order had evolved and guided the people of the subcontinent. Contemporary society is largely governed by values that came through exclusivist religions. Consequently, India finds herself obliged to accommodate these factors into the ancient Order, or to find a way to carry the Dharma forward into a new phase of expression without succumbing to the limitations that affect the world today and which, in the main, are incompatible with India of the Vedic Age. Therefore a method must be found to re-establish the Order in the present conditions of our global society in spite of this incompatibility. A method has indeed been found which will be the subject of this discussion.
In the course of this series I will highlight several factors. One is precisely the question of universalism which perforce must be the underlying breath running through the new Order – indeed, the very element that distinguishes it from the old way and which gives it its vibrating, pulsating life. Next is the need to illustrate just how the pattern, ancient and new, escapes the constraints religion imposes.
And then there is the structure or pattern itself which we will dissect . . .”
Written by Thea for students of the New Way cosmology. January 2009
An Interview with Thea conducted by Dr Patricia Heidt, discussing the common role of these two ‘opposite poles’ in terms of the Supramental Descent and the Manifestation of a New World. March 2008
Responding to a discussion of the measure of the Yugas in the Nov./Dec. 2003 issue of Atlantis Rising (p. 6), Thea discusses Yugas as a measure of the Precession of the Equinoxes and the Zodiac. 2004
A student of Thea’s discusses her work and its integral application in many diverse areas including Vedic Philosophy, Cosmology, Science, Mythology, Art and Architecture.
A piercing look at the ‘old ways’ of Spirituality and Science and the need to restore a truly unified Vedic consciousness. Thea considers the modern astrological practices that go by the name of Vedic, to be un-Vedic in that they have discarded the Tropical Zodiac as the measure of the year. May 2004
THE THIRD WAY – On Conscious Evolution
Thea discusses the recovery of the ‘lost Son’ or lost unity consciousness of the Vedic Rishis, via the cosmological key of the Tropical Zodiac. 30 June 2004
This article was written for a Hyderabad based journal on the 75th anniversary of the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh). ‘… the original pulse of [India’s] destiny is still sounding in the civilisation’s inner dimensions of being and it can still be ‘heard’… To deny its existence, or to claim that this underlying, upholding field of a given pulsation is non-existent, or else that it has been altered or modified over the ages, is to demonstrate ignorance of the workings of the Time-Spirit.’ – PNB, 2001
The state of the world according to the New Way Cosmology, in view of the events of 11 September 2001 and the descent of the Supramental Consciousness-Force. 15 Sept. – 5 Oct. 2001
This article was written in response to Debashis Chakrabarti’s Hindutva: The religious incongruity (The Hindu, 6.2.2001) . In his article, Chakrabarti seeks to drive a wedge between ancient Indian culture and the contemporary by reducing the Rigvedic culture to ‘the ancient naturalism of primitive, nomadic and pastoral Aryan/Indo-European tribes.’ 2001
In this essay Ms. Norelli-Bachelet deals with what, for centuries, has been disconnected from traditional spirituality, the question of Time and Measure. Using excerpts from the Rig Veda and Bhagavad Gita, she unveils the Rishi’s profound understanding of TIME and defines its role as the vehicle which integrates the Spiritual and Physical dimensions. Originally published as Part I of Time & Imperishability, Aeon Books, 1997.
FULLNESS VS. EMPTINESS – In Defense of the Ancient Culture
In this article, Ms. Norelli-Bachelet responds to a two-part series, entitled, An Open Letter to Bangaru Laxman, that appeared in The Hindu, (10-11.10.2000), written by Gail Omvedt.
THE SEEDS OF UNDERMINING – Inadequacies of the Indian System
An essay on ESSENCE and FORM. This essay was orignially published in The Vishaal Newsletter, Vol. 4 #PR5. ‘Throughout the world nations and individuals face the same dilemma. We are born into a particular structure or environment. We must evolve within that, bearing the limitations that our heritage may foist upon us. Yet in the midst of these very fields, and no other, new structures must nonetheless arise. India is no exception. Indeed, her task is perhaps more complex than that of any other nation. But in spite of this limitation she has played out for over a century the patterns of her higher destiny which the new cosmology describes so thoroughly, regardless of any existing limitation. Nonetheless, it is precisely these limitations, this residue that is burdening the nation at this critical crossroads of her destiny.’ – PNB, 27 October 1989
Thea details the contrast between old abstract forms of esoteric knowledge and the new living Supramental Yoga introduced by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The key feature distinguishing the old from the new is the role of Time which offers the seeker the means to move beyond the abstraction and speculation of the past, into a concrete, non-speculative knowledge in the present.
A paper prepared by Thea for a symposium on THE HUMAN CONDITION; New Delhi, Dec.1986, and published in The Vishaal Newsletter in May 1987. Thea delves into the core of the collective chaos of modern civilization and exposes the root cause of our problems. Her examination reveals that the malaise, purposelessness and confusion which define our modern world is the direct outcome of our past mystic and spiritual perceptions. Dec 1986